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Reserve your spot today to join a Google Level 2 crash course!! In this session, we will break down the Google Educator Level 2 exam into smaller workshops while preparing you to pass the Google Level 2 Certification Exam. Each session will cover different Google apps, including Gmail, Slides, and Drawings; Scholar, Books, Google Arts, and Culture; Earth and Maps; Sites and Blogger; YouTube and Classroom; Keep and Trends.

Level 2 certification indicates that an educator is able to successfully integrate a wider range of Google for Education tools and other technologies in order to transform teaching practices. Educators who pass the certification test (not included) will be able to advertise their status with a personal certificate and badge. Certification lasts 36 months.

Having two devices for this workshop is most helpful. 

**If you would like more information about apps covered on the exam, please visit Google’s training site: https://edu.google.com/teacher-center/certifications/educator-level2/?modal_active=none