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What is social-emotional learning (SEL)? Why is this important, and what is the practicality of including this in a classroom, especially on top of all of your many other teaching responsibilities?

If you are noticing an increase in challenging behaviors, like most schools, we will provide you with solutions that are perhaps simpler than you might realize. In this workshop, you will hear about our school’s journey from sparked interest to school-wide implementation of SEL. We will share the impact it has had on overall classroom culture, teaching, and learning.

Join us for an informative session from the perspective of an administrator and a classroom teacher. Leave with the inspiration and tools to help foster a positive classroom environment that will lead to improved relationships, problem-solving skills, and academic progress.

This workshop will be relevant to all school staff (administrators, teachers, counseling, etc.) at any level. It will appeal to someone who just wants to become more aware and to those who are ready to implement at either a classroom or school-wide level.