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Join us at ROE #11 for a full day of free training on the federal McKinney-Vento law and attendance/truancy procedures.

During the morning portion of the training, Teresa will address who would be a McKinney-Vento student, the process following identification, and how you can best assist a student or family who is considered McKinney-Vento. 


Have you ever wondered, “What can I do about attendance?” or “I wish my students were at school more often?” We have some ideas for you! The afternoon session will focus on ideas that you can implement in your classroom to help with attendance concerns and to create positive conversations with students and families regarding school attendance. There will be some time to work collaboratively to discuss lesson ideas and classroom celebrations with fellow educators.


This PD would be ideal for teachers, counselors, social workers, administrators, and instructional coaches. Presenters also encourage all community agencies who work with and assist families that experience home insecurity and homelessness. 


A one hour break from 11 am – noon will be provided for participants to grab lunch.