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Discover the power of phonemic awareness and sound walls in this webinar, led by linguist Dr. Ethan Lynn!

During this workshop, you will:

1) Better understand the impact of phonemic awareness on reading proficiency.
2) Gain practical insights into using sound walls.
3) Discover a selection of relevant teaching resources.

Two options to attend! Check out the registration information to select the time that best fits your schedule.

December 12th – 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm

December 12th – 3:30 pm – 4:15 pm

Ethan Lynn, Ph.D
Dr. Ethan Lynn is an education consultant who lives in Illinois. He has several years of experience as a teacher, administrator, and researcher of literacy. Currently, Ethan is a national presenter and consultant on the science of reading. He is passionate about his orchard and family of three young kids–and most of all sharing the gift of literacy with all educators and students.