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This session will inspire your staff to be the educators they needed when they were kids! This conversation will help educators re-discover their WHY of teaching, and will emphasize the importance of building and maintaining positive relationship both in and outside of the classroom.

About the Presenter – Dwayne Reed

Dwayne Reed is a 25-year-old educator from Chicago, IL. He is most known for his song and video, “Welcome to the 4th Grade,” which went viral in late 2016. He is a recent college graduate, with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. Mr. Reed is dedicated to hard work, but also believes that learning should be fun! His life and classroom are filled with tons of energy, music, and laughter.

Dwayne Reed’s aim is to reach kids and their communities with positivity and practical resources for change. His personal mission statement would be to excite, equip, and educate learners everywhere! He believes that relationships are the key to success, so, building deep bonds with his students and their families is his primary goal.

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TeachMrReed/

To view some of this videos, follow the links below:

Welcome Back to School: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYOcsZWBAn4

My Teacher Loves Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_M2DA8snew

Welcome to Fourth Grade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBLcuGunRxU